
If you’re eager, you aren’t fighting against it.
Both students and professionals need this to thrive.

🧲 What Mental Pull are you feeling right now?


A Mental Pull is something that pulls on your attention, begging you to DO something.

Interests, hobbies, and even YouTube and Social Media all create different types of mental pull feelings in us.

Wouldn't it be helpful if school and work tasks pulled you too?? Well they can!

✅ You Also Need a Solid Productivity System

Mental Pulls are an important driver of productivity – they reduce the effort needed to get your work done, making it easier to be productive. But it’s difficult to feel that pull for your work when you’re overwhelmed by just how much work you have to do.

So you also need a solid productivity system that also makes it easier for you to manage your time, stress, and ADHD (if you have it). This frees your mind up to find and follow those Mental Pulls.

⚒️ We Make it Easier for Students and Professionals to...

  • Feel pulled towards school and work tasks
  • Manage your time, stress, and ADHD (if you have it)
  • Connect your interests with your work
  • Be productive without the strain

📊 Take Our Free Self-Assessment

How well are you managing your Mental Pulls and productivity? We developed a simple 4-factor framework for understanding the psychological factors that drive these. Take our free 5-10 min self-assessment to get a customized report on how you're doing in each of the 4 areas.

🧠 Do You Have ADHD?

When your ADHD brain is distracted, what is it looking for? A strong mental pull. The problem is that you don't feel a mental pull towards most of the work you should be doing. But you can change that.

To thrive with ADHD, you need to get good at managing your mental pulls.

You need to learn how to (1) strengthen the mental pull of tasks you know you "should" be working on and (2) weaken the mental pull of distractions like social media that you don’t want to be focusing on.

This is consistent with ADHD research and my own experiences of getting through school and work with ADHD! Our different programs show you how.

Hi, I’m Dr. Matt Jarman

Photo by <a href="">Sara Tro</a>
Photo by Sara Tro

You can call me Matt. 😁

I’ve been obsessed with productivity since high school and have been teaching about topics related to productivity for about 20 years. My interests in productivity led me to get a PhD in Organizational Psychology. In graduate school, I was mentored by the amazing Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (author of Flow and considered a father of positive psychology) on research looking at the connection between a mental pull and creativity. I then taught as a psychology professor for 6 years before deciding to help a larger audience of students and professionals with Productive for Good.

I believe that finding ways to get genuinely excited about your work is critical for enjoying life AND for thriving in school and your career. Let me show you how.

Different Ways We Can Help You:

Whether you're a student or professional, we can help you to stay excited and productive in your work, day after day, even when it’s boring or stressful. And even if you have ADHD.

We have two sets of services: one focused on undergrad and grad students and another focused on professionals. We offer services directly to students or professionals and also offer staff training options for those supporting students or professionals. See below to learn more.



FREE Learning Hacks

Free access to a growing collection of learning hack guides to doing well in school.

Academic Trainer

Personalized guidance on feeling pulled to do your work and managing your time.

Staff Training

Train your staff to help students stay excited and productive in their schoolwork.


Productivity Trainer

Personalized guidance on feeling pulled to do your work and managing your time, right when you need it.

Group Workshops

Custom workshops focusing on necessary knowledge and skills for employees, managers, or support staff.

1-on-1 Coaching

Weekly 30-min virtual coaching sessions with me to help you troubleshoot and improve your process.