
Students are Unnecessarily Struggling

They're struggling to...

📚 Stay on top of their schoolwork

🔥 Get excited about their schoolwork

😖 Cope with high stress levels

⏲️ Manage their time

🧭 Navigate ADHD and similar challenges

🏓 Balance schoolwork with the fun stuff


Does Your Child Have What They Need to Thrive?


Good grades are not the metric for student thriving. We believe students thrive when they are actively and eagerly engaged with their studies. They thrive when they aren’t just doing schoolwork for the grades but also for themselves. Students thrive when they are using their studies to discover and pursue their passions, becoming the fullest version of themselves.

When students have a solid productivity system that gives them a sense of control in their tasks and stress, they’ll have the mental space needed to get engaged with the work.

When they have the skills and support needed to find that intrinsic eagerness and excitement, they’re on the path to thriving.

We designed the Academic Trainer to make it as easy as possible for students to find their own path to thriving in school.

Students Need an Academic Trainer

Our Productivity Trainer integrates productivity techniques (e.g., time and stress management) with intrinsic student engagement techniques to make it easier for students to thrive.


Instead of trying to cram tips and tricks into students' heads, they need someone to quickly guide them through the actions of being productive and engaged. It needs to be done in a way that’s easy and doesn’t require them to remember a list of steps. What they need is an Academic Trainer.

💪🏼 Fitness Trainers provide just the right amount of action-focused guidance for you to achieve your physical goals. An 📚 Academic Trainer does the same for school and personal goals.

Our online Academic Trainer tools walk students through...

📅 Planning their work for the day, every day

🧲 Techniques for getting excited about even the most boring topics

🧭 Getting back on track when they find themselves distracted, overwhelmed, or otherwise struggling

🏓 Protecting time for the other activities they want to be doing, whether that’s exercise, hobbies, or spending time with friends & family

📓 Other essential skills for students (e.g., note-taking, exam prep, exam stress) and faculty (e.g., note-taking, decision making)


ADHD is a Cry for Engagement


The typical behavioral treatment for ADHD focuses on basic productivity ("executive function") skills. These are necessary but not sufficient for helping students with ADHD.

When the ADHD brain is distracted, it's looking for activities that generate a strong mental pull – sources of challenge and excitement that it's eager to dive into.

If students with ADHD are able to harness their brain's search for engagement so that it points towards their schoolwork, suddenly their active mind will be a huge asset to their studies.

🎙️ To hear more about our approach to helping students with ADHD, listen to this podcast we recorded: Students with ADHD Speak a Different Language (9 min)

What Do the Academic Trainer Tools Look Like?

The Academic Trainer includes:

→ Interactive guides that walk you through daily productivity tasks such as planning your day and getting back on track after distractions.

→ Instructional video and text resources on different topics (e.g., ADHD, note-taking, decision-making)

→ Private discussion forums where community members can quickly get the support you need

→ Templates for task, time, and note management


The Academic Trainer is NOT an online course. Those take long and are quickly forgotten. The Academic Trainer quickly gives you the guidance you need, every day that you need it.

Lighten the load on parents


As a parent, you want to be there for your child and help them through their difficulties. But you aren’t some productivity guru and don’t know what to tell them. “Try harder” doesn’t work (really, it doesn’t!).

Well first, you should know that it isn’t your fault! This productivity stuff isn’t intuitive and you weren’t taught it either.

The beauty of the Academic Trainer is that it’s all your child needs. They can ask us questions through our discussion forum and get access to a wide range of related resources and guides (e.g., guides for procrastination, note-taking, and exam stress).

Three Ways We Can Help Your Child:

FREE Learning Hacks

Free access to a growing collection of learning hack guides to doing well in school and enjoying it.

Academic Trainer

Personalized guidance on feeling pulled to do your work and managing your time, right when you need it.

1-on-1 Coaching

Weekly 30-min virtual coaching sessions with me to help you troubleshoot and improve your process.

We also offer Parent Workshops

Want to learn how you can help to support your child in learning these productivity skills? We offer parent-focused workshops to groups of 10 or more parents.

Workshop Topics can include:

  • ✅ Productivity: The 4 skillsets (managing tasks, time, mind, & mental pulls)
  • 🌪️ Stress: Harmful & helpful types
  • 🧠 ADHD: Thriving in school
  • 🔥 Engagement: ↑ excitement, ↑ attendance
  • 📚 Procrastination: Sources & solutions
  • 💤 Boredom: Turn it into excitement
  • 🛡️ Mental Resilience: Core mental habits
  • 🤖 AI in Academia: How, when, & why

We can also customize the workshop topics based on your needs. If you're interested in organizing a parent workshop, schedule a time to discuss it with me using the button below.