
Your Students are Struggling

They're struggling to...

📚 Stay on top of their schoolwork

🔥 Get excited about their schoolwork

😖 Cope with high stress levels

⏲️ Manage their time

🧭 Navigate ADHD and similar challenges

🏓 Balance schoolwork with the fun stuff


Do Your Students Have What They Need to Thrive?


Good grades are not the metric for student thriving. We believe students thrive when they are actively and eagerly engaged with their studies. They thrive when they aren’t just doing schoolwork for the grades but also for themselves. Students thrive when they are using their studies to discover and pursue their passions, becoming the fullest version of themselves.

When students have a solid productivity system that gives them a sense of control in their tasks and stress, they’ll have the mental space needed to get engaged with the work.

When they have the skills and support needed to find that intrinsic eagerness and excitement, they’re on the path to thriving.

We designed the Academic Trainer to make it as easy as possible for students to find their own path to thriving in school.

Your Students Need an Academic Trainer

Our Academic Trainer integrates productivity techniques (e.g., time and stress management) with intrinsic student engagement techniques to make it easier for students to thrive.


Instead of trying to cram productivity tips and tricks into students' heads, they need someone to quickly guide them through the actions of being productive and engaged. It needs to be done in a way that’s easy and doesn’t require them to remember a list of steps. What they need is an Academic Trainer.

💪🏼 Fitness Trainers provide just the right amount of action-focused guidance for you to achieve your physical goals. An 📚 Academic Trainer does the same for school and personal goals.

Our online Academic Trainer tools walk undergrad and grad students through...

📅 Planning their work for the day, every day

🧲 Techniques for getting excited about even the most boring topics

🧭 Getting back on track when they find themselves distracted, overwhelmed, or otherwise struggling

🏓 Protecting time for the other activities they want to be doing, whether that’s exercise, hobbies, or spending time with friends & family

📓 Other essential skills for students (e.g., note-taking, exam prep, exam stress) and faculty (e.g., note-taking, decision making)


ADHD is a Cry for Engagement


The typical behavioral treatment for ADHD focuses on basic productivity ("executive function") skills. These are necessary but not sufficient for helping students with ADHD.

When the ADHD brain is distracted, it's looking for activities that generate a strong mental pull – sources of challenge and excitement that it's eager to dive into.

If students with ADHD are able to harness their brain's search for engagement so that it points towards their schoolwork, suddenly their active mind will be a huge asset to their studies.

Our Academic Trainer program offers actionable guidance and support that is complementary to any other counseling services the student is receiving.

🎙️ Want to hear more about our approach to helping students with ADHD? Listen to our short podcast episode: "Students with ADHD speak a different language" (9 min)

Lighten the Load on Faculty & Counseling Centers


Advisors, mentors, and counselors aren’t trained to guide students in developing a productivity system that works. Sharing lists of productivity tips and tricks rarely help students in the long-run and can lead to even more student frustration and stress when they don’t work.

When students are back at their desk, by themselves, tired and stressed, they need someone to hold their hand right in that moment and remind them exactly what to do. The Academic Trainer does exactly that.

Students looking for guidance in behavioral techniques for staying engaged and productive in school can find it through the Academic Trainer.

For students seeking counseling, the Academic Trainer isn’t a replacement for counseling - instead it enhances counseling by giving additional interactive guidance on behavioral techniques for staying engaged and productive in school.

With the Academic Trainer, students can get the the guidance they need, when they need it – whether it’s 8:00pm or midnight, the Academic Trainer is there, no wait, no appointment needed.

Three Ways to Support Your Students

The first thing you can do is to simply tell students about our Academic Trainer program. The program is affordable and we offer financial aid to students in need.

Below are some other ways in which school faculty and staff can make it easier for undergrad and grad students to find the productivity and engagement guidance they need, when they need it.

Subscribe to the Newsletter Yourself

Individual faculty or staff sign up and will receive a newsletter email around the important transitions of the school year (e.g., new semester, exam time, after breaks) that is written with students’ needs in mind. You can forward these to all your students or specific students. The newsletters themselves will include valuable guidance and will direct students towards guides that they can affordably access through Productive for Good.

    Become a Partner School

    Partner Schools sign up as a school for the newsletter described above. This means the newsletters are shared widely with faculty, staff, and/or students, either by being sent directly to them or by being forwarded by a school admin.

    In addition, Faculty and Staff at Partner Schools will also be given access to resources for understanding productivity and well-being best practices to help them support students.

    Become a Paid Member School

    In addition to receiving the newsletter described above, the school pays for their students to get free access to the Academic Trainer tool and related resources (e.g., guides for procrastination, note-taking, and exam stress), as well as a private discussion forum in which students can ask questions and get support from their peers and staff at Productive for Good.

    Faculty and Staff are also given access to their own private discussion forum in which they can ask questions around student productivity and well-being, and get support from their colleagues and staff at Productive for Good.