
It's Time to Think Differently About Productivity

What do you feel when you hear the word “productivity”? For many people, it’s an unpleasant feeling. Why is that?

I think it's because we tend to think of productivity techniques as strategies for more efficiently doing the work you don’t want to do. 

They do help with that. But more importantly, I believe productivity techniques should turn more of your work into tasks that genuinely excite you. That's the type of productivity that will decrease burnout and excite employees.

Students with ADHD Speak a Different Language-cropped

All of our workshops have excitement/engagement at their core. We integrate our own approach to common productivity topics (e.g., task and time management) with techniques for helping employees to find genuine excitement in their work.

Different Types of Workshops

Depending on your needs, we offer three types of workshops:


  • These workshops teach employees and team members the knowledge and skills they need to stay productive and excited in their work.


  • I believe that one of the key roles of management/leadership is to make it easier for employees stay productive and excited in their work. In these workshops, I'll teach you how.


  • If you're in some sort of an employee-support role, I'll give you the knowledge and skills you need to help employees to thrive.

Workshop Topics can include:

  • ✅ Productivity: The 4 skillsets (managing tasks, time, mind, & mental pulls)
  • 🌪️ Stress: Harmful & helpful types
  • 🧠 ADHD: Thriving at work
  • 🏋🏽‍♂️Burnout: It isn't inevitable
  • 🔥 Engagement: ↑ Excitement towards work
  • 📉 Procrastination: Sources & solutions
  • 💤 Boredom: Turn it into excitement
  • 🛡️ Mental Resilience: Core mental habits
  • 🤖 AI in the Workplace: How, when, & why

We can also customize the workshop topics based on your needs.

Our approach to all topics is rooted in individuals' well-being (psychological and physical). We believe well-being facilitates productivity and that productivity techniques should support well-being. Given the rising levels of stress and burnout among employees, this focus on well-being is essential.

Get Expert Training

Productivity is central to everything that occurs in your organization. Without high productivity and engagement, your organization's ability to achieve its goals in an efficient manner is severely limited. Yet when seeking guidance, many professionals rely on productivity resources found online that weren’t created by an expert.

Most productivity resources online are superficial, incomplete, and misleading. If you want to help employees with productivity and engagement, you need training from an expert.

Photo by <a href="">Sara Tro</a>

Dr. Matt Jarman is an organizational psychologist, taught leadership science for 5 years as a psychology professor, and has been teaching productivity for almost 20 years. He has expertise in productivity, leadership, engagement, and ADHD. Matt was a student of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (considered a father of Positive Psychology and author of Flow). This is the expertise you should be looking for when trying to help your employees.

Are your employees struggling with ADHD?


Yes, yes they are. An increasing number of employees these days are discovering they have ADHD. They're excited to find an explanation for their struggles at work, but they don't know what to do about it.

The typical behavioral treatment for ADHD focuses on basic productivity ("executive function") skills such as task and time management. These are necessary but not sufficient for helping people with ADHD.

When the ADHD brain is distracted or resisting a task, it's looking for activities that generate a strong mental pull – sources of challenge and excitement that it's eager to dive into.

If employees with ADHD are able to harness their brain's search for engagement so that it points towards their work, suddenly their active mind will be a huge asset to their work and your organization.

This is why, in addition to guidance in task and time management, our workshops teach techniques for helping employees to get genuinely excited about more of their work.

Workshop Details

  • Flexible Format: 1-4 hours over 1 or more days.
  • Zoom or In Person: Based on your preference and location.
  • Customized Content: Tailored to your organization's unique needs.
  • Shareable Handouts & Assessments: For your employees and staff.
  • Additional resources available (at additional cost):
    • Q&A discussion forum
    • Video library

Other Services:

  • Keynotes
  • OD Consulting
  • Thought Partnership with companies
  • Executive Coaching
  • Productivity Trainer for employees

Interested? Let's Talk!

If you think this sort of workshop might be good for your organization or team, let's talk! Click the button below to tell me a bit about what you have in mind and to schedule a free 30 minute call.

In the call, I'll get a better sense for your needs and we can brainstorm what format and topics would be of most value.